
As of January 31, 2023 Foursquare changed the name of our existing Pilgrim SDK product to Movement SDK. This change comes as Foursquare looks to align our product names closer to their functionality and bring the Pilgrim SDK closer to our other family of products.

If you are already using the Pilgrim SDK, you may continue to do so or elect to upgrade to the Movement SDK documented within this section.

Get Started

Places API

Implementation Checklist

Get everything needed before launching your amazing Movement SDK powered Android app.

Place Tagging API

Get Started

Enable SDK Access and create a Foursquare Developer Account to implement the Movement SDK in your app.

Augment & Test Functionality

Places API

Add Features

Additional features that enhance the in-app experience; Journeys, user locations, geofence events & more.

Place Tagging API

Advanced Functionality

Advanced functionality provides more control over visits, history, and venues.

Autocomplete API

Test & Troubleshoot

Easily and quickly spot any configuration errors and better understand SDK.

Full Android Reference

Places API


Find more detail in the reference documentation.

SDK Support

API Status

Release Notes

Discover the most recent improvements, including the addition of new functionality and other important changes.

API Status


Get the answers to our most common questions regarding usage of the Developer Console and related topics.