Harness the power of real world and online behavior

Announcing online interest targeting in audiences


We are thrilled to announce the release of online interest targeting in Audience powered by Factual, giving marketers the ability to build audiences based on both real-world location behaviors AND online interest categories.

Audience powered by Factual has been empowering marketers to build highly-customized, scalable audiences based on real-world consumer behavior in our self-serve Audience Designer. Location signals are a vital ingredient to understand who a consumer truly is and what she wants, and becomes even more powerful when used in combination with online interest data.

Our location-based audiences help marketers accurately reach their target consumers based on where they actually go in the real world and at the moments when those marketing messages matter most. But what about advertising campaigns catered towards the very top of the purchase funnel (such as high-consideration electronics purchases, like a new TV)?

For those types of campaigns, an online signal, like reading TV recommendations on a technology review site, is invaluable. Combining this indication of online interest and location data means you can reach both those who have shown intent digitally but haven’t yet stepped into a retail location, and also real-world electronics store visitors.

What’s New?

Now, our customers can select from more than 800 online interest categories as targetable attributes when building an audience within our product, which in turn gives:

  • More Granularity – Unlock new types of audiences and phases of the buyer journey previously hard to reach with location alone
  • Increased Scale – Reach even more consumers with additional attributes for your desired target audience
  • Improved Performance – Exceed your KPIs with a more refined target based on both location and online attributes, using highly-flexible “and/or” logic

Constructed from online interest signals, including search, click, view, and shares, our new categories are collected via trusted partners across a global network of over 3M publisher websites, observing over 18B events each month.

The Impact

When used in combination, location and online data together can indicate even stronger buyer intent, unlocking new targetable customers at different phases of the buyer journey. With this release, we now have even more sophisticated ingredients to capture the most relevant audience with more nuance than ever before, based on consumer engagements with relevant content online, such as reviews, shares, likes, and more.

And our customers have proven it! In our private beta over recent weeks, we’ve already helped our customers boost performance on over 50 campaigns with our online interest categories and we can’t wait for you to include them in your upcoming campaigns.

Reach out to learn more about how our team of location experts can help you level-up your campaigns with custom location and online interest targeting recommendations today at location@foursquare.com

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