FSQ Faces: Lindsey Kintner, Global Head of Sales

Lindsey Kintner is a seasoned leader with over 20 years of experience across sales. Today, we welcome Lindsey to Foursquare as the Global Head of Sales, where she’ll drive the development of strategies to maximize sales, bolster revenue growth, and optimize monetization across Foursquare’s location technology platform. 

Learn more about Lindsey in this new edition of FSQ Faces…

Welcome to the team! What drew you to Foursquare and to this role? What are you most excited about as you join the team? 

Foursquare’s ability to enhance media effectiveness for marketers is essential in today’s evolving marketplace. I’m excited to leverage our data and tools to deliver impactful results for our partners. The executive team at Foursquare is truly focused on client solutions, and their commitment to making smart, decisive moves, coupled with their drive to win, creates a powerful recipe for success.

I’ve long admired the origins of social media and connecting humans around their passions. I spent early career years at MySpace watching it take off around the globe and build community.  Another early player, Foursquare emerged among the youngsocial platforms and pivoted its assets with compelling data storytelling and new technologies. I am personally excited to harness the power of geospatial intelligence to deliver maximum value to brands and marketers. There is so much more ahead for Foursquare and I am thrilled to help lead this powerful team.

As Global Head of Sales what tactics do you plan to implement in order to drive growth and maximize revenue at Foursquare? How has your experience shaped this philosophy? 

Sales is fundamentally about relationships, and it begins with getting to know the team and building on the existing skills within Foursquare. By focusing on the sales process, optimizing go-to-market strategies, and refining coverage plans, we can build trust and confidence both internally and externally. 

Aligning on how best to deliver our products and communicate their value to marketers will be key to reinvigorating a successful team. In my experience, with wins comes confidence and with the right tactics in place we’ll earn some new swagger one happy client at a time. 

Ruthless prioritization of how to best spend time, taking ownership and reaching that one extra person every day will define the hard work ahead.

How will you leverage your expertise to innovate Foursquare’s go-to-market strategy? 

My expertise lies in building teams and partnerships by understanding complex business dynamics and thinking creatively about the delivery of best-in-class solutions. It’s about telling that story to the right prospects and customers and connecting the dots for the win.

Bringing a fresh perspective to assess current strengths and weaknesses will help determine refinements needed for go-to-market strength.  Traditionally expanding reach, ensuring recognition as a top-tier solution, moving swiftly to fortify key relationships and tracking progress are key tactics to define a winning approach. 

Innovation is about working smarter, not harder – it makes each team member more valuable, productive, and confident. I am a strong advocate for taking care of each other and our clients. Owning that empathetic stance as a partner fosters long-term, lucrative relationships.

Innovation is a cornerstone behind many of Foursquare’s leadership principles. How do you encourage an innovative mindset within a revenue team?

Departments of “No” don’t win, so my aim is to foster a curious culture that asks the right questions and commits to helping others.  Putting yourself in the client’s shoes is a great way to understand their needs and define a next step within Foursquare, encouraging the organization to be solutions-oriented, innovate and earn the “Yes.” My ambition for sales is that we will take ownership, be resourceful and move quickly to help.

Are there any emerging tech trends that you see having the biggest impact on revenue in the near future? How do you see Foursquare overcoming these challenges?

AI presents both opportunities and challenges. The further consolidation of tech and ad spend could be accelerated by AI, as it enables us to do more with less. However, if Foursquare can harness AI’s generative capabilities to enhance location intelligence, model market trends, and uncover new possibilities for our partners, it will set us apart as a true differentiator. Successful case studies can be powerful selling tools—if we can find ways to drive growth for other businesses, we’ll undoubtedly drive our own success as well.

When employees join Foursquare, they’re always asked to share a fun fact. What’s your fun fact?

I can do a headstand, I just aced my boaters safety exam and my number as a soccer player always included a 4.

Reviewed By: Michele Morelli

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