
Foursquare game day insights

  • January 2, 2018

Location-based fan insights

Pexels David Morris

Good old, American football. The national pastime engages millions of Americans throughout the fall and winter months, culminating in “The Big Game”, a pivotal cultural moment year after year. Game day also provides a major opportunity for brands and marketers to connect with consumers—according to Nielsen, 113.3M viewers watched the live broadcast in 2017.

As viewer habits change and fans increasingly access content from theirmobile devices, broadcast advertising should be seen as one part of a larger omnichannel strategy, rather than the entire play. Whether you’re looking to reach die-hard football lovers or just bandwagon fans, location-based insights can help run your 2018 strategy ahead of the competition.


  • Behaviors of championship team fans, at-home party hosts, and underdog fans
  • The tastes and affinities of game day ticket holders
  • How tastes differ across NFL team fanbases