Research Feed Schema


persistent_idstringA unique identifier for a user across all of a user's visitsb953fd9304c947431b8ec183bbe3d26a485a073aa684dc5a89d74db8ca79b845
venue_idstringFoursquare’s unique identifier for a particular venue/location; displayed as a 24-character string5c6b234e037be1002ce54dda
utc_datestringDate of the visit in UTC time (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-07-24
utc_hournumberHour of the visit in UTC time10
local_datestringDate of the visit in local time (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-07-24
local_hournumberHour of the visit in local hour11
genderstringModeled gender of the visitorMale or female
agestringModeled age cohort of the visitor20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84
full_panel_reweighted_sag_scorenumberNormalization score assigned to visit, based on the user's state, age & gender (e.g. this 1 visit should be weighted as 87.6813336 visits, to derive insights representative of the overall US population)87.6813336
dwellnumberNumber of seconds a user is in a venue (difference between start and end time)193
home_zipnumberHome zip code of user, for zips with >1k in population10016
home_cbg (US only)stringIndicates the census block group in which the visitor lives if the cbg is >600 in population482012231001
work_cbg (US only)stringIndicates the census block group in which the visitor works if the cbg is >600 in population482012231001

Places Mapping File

venue_idstringFoursquare’s unique identifier for a particular venue/location; displayed as a 24-character string5c6b234e037be1002ce54dda
venue_namestringName of the venueOld Navy
addressstringAddress of the venue1217 Rockville Pike
citystringCity the venue is located inRockville
dmastringDMA the venue is located inWashington, DC
zipstringZip code the venue is located in20852
statestringTwo letter state codeMD
countrystringThe ISO 3166 2 letter country codeUS
geo_latnumberLatitude coordinates of the venue39.054581
geo_longnumberLongitude coordinates of the venue-77.11638
category_idstringFoursquare's unique identifier for a category; displayed as a 24-character string5f2c3f6b5b4c177b9a6dc388
category_namestringBottom-level category of the venueKorean BBQ Restaurants
category_id_level1stringFoursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string63be6904847c3692a84b9bb5
category_name_level1stringName of the primary (top-level) category level of the venueDining and Drinking
category_id_level2stringFoursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string4d4b7105d754a06374d81259
category_name_level2stringName of the secondary category level of the venueRestaurants
category_id_level3stringFoursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string4bf58dd8d48988d108951735
category_name_level3stringName of the tertiary category level of the venueAsian Restaurants
category_id_level4Foursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string4bf58dd8d48988d113941735
category_name_level4Name of the fourth category level of the venueKorean Restaurants
category_id_level5Foursquare's unique identifier for a category level; displayed as a 24-character string5f2c3f6b5b4c177b9a6dc388
category_name_level5Name of the fifth category level of the venueKorean BBQ Restaurants
chain_idstringFoursquare’s unique identifier for a particular chain; displayed as a 24-character string556d1d36aceaff43eb0a9e60
chain_namestringName of the chainOld Navy
parent_venue_idstringThe ID of the parent venue if this venue is located in an airport, shopping centre, etc.4eb0307f6c250ddebea09895