Line Chart

The line chart can be used to compare change in a set of variables over time. The line chart can be used to track several objects or entities over a period of time, allowing for a condensed analysis of your entire temporal dataset.

A Line Chart displaying Covid-19 infection data.

A Line Chart displaying Covid-19 infection data.

Follow these steps to create a Line Chart:

1. Click the Show Charts button on the top-right of the window.

2. Click Add Chart > Line Chart.

A settings panel will appear, allowing you to configure the line chart.

Base Settings

TitleA title to use for the chart.
DatasetThe dataset containing the fields for the line chart.
Use Filtered DataEnable to use filtered data on the line chart.

X Axis

X AxisField to use for the X Axis. Defaults to a time field.
Show Grid LineDisplay vertical grid lines for the Y Axis ticks.
IntervalFor temporal data, the time interval to use for X ticks.
Format NumberApply formatting to values on the X Axis. Select from a list of supported formatting options.

Y Axis

Y AxisField to use the for Y Axis. Select an aggregation type on the right. Defaults to sum.
TitleString to use as a title along the Y axis.
AggregationSelect from the supported aggregation options.
Show Grid LineDisplay horizontal lines for the X Axis ticks.
Format NumberApply formatting to values on the Y Axis. Select from a list of supported formatting options.

Group By

Group ByField to use to create groups.
BenchmarkGroup to use as a benchmark. Benchmarks appear as dotted lines.
Max Number of GroupsThe maximum number of groups to display.
Group OthersEnable to group all other groups that are not included in "Max Number of Groups."
Sort ByChoose a method to sort groups.

Color By

Color ByChoose a method to color lines.
Color RangeThe color range to use for the lines in the Line Chart.

More Options

Chart HintAdd a hint for the chart. You can use expressions to design the parameterized hint. For more information, see chart hints.
Show AreaEnable to display a shaded area below each line.
Show Percentage ChangeEnable to display the percentage change from the chart's start.
Show Axis LinesEnable to show grid lines on the Y and X axis.
Show LegendEnable to display a legend mapping the color scheme.
Legend checkboxesToggle on/off the visibility of individual line data series in the chart.