Horizontal Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar chart displays comparison of a categorical field with horizontally aligned bars. The vertical Y-axis represents the categories being compared, while the horizontal X-axis represents either count or an aggregated value based on another field. You can use these following options to configure your Horizontal Bar.

Horizontal Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

TitleRequiredTitle of the Chart.
DatasetRequiredDataset of which the chart is depends on.
Y AxisRequiredThe field you would like to compare. Only categorical field can be selected.
Sort By (Y Axis)Choose from a list of sorting options for the Y Axis.
X AxisThe field you would like to aggregate each bar. When field is not selected, the bar shows number of rows filtered.
AggregationThe method by which to aggregate data.
Format NumberSelect a formatting option for values on the X Axis.
Group BySelect a field to group by.
Max Number of RowsMax number of grouped bars to display.
Sort ByChoose a method by which to sort bars.
ColorA color scheme to use for chart's bars.
Color ByChoose a method by which to color bars.
Use Filtered DataToggle to apply data filters to the chart.
Show LegendEnable to display a legend mapping the color scheme.
Legend checkboxesToggle on/off the visibility of individual data series in the chart.