Heatmap Chart

The Heatmap chart can be used to explore the relationship between variables in your dataset. The heatmap displays values from the specified column atop a colored correlation matrix. The chart is also interactive, allowing users to hover over a cell to spotlight the cell along with its column and row.

An example of the Heatmap Chart.

An example of the Heatmap Chart.

Follow these steps to create a Heatmap Chart:

1. Click the Show Charts button on the top-right of the window.

2. Click Add Chart > Heatmap Chart.

A settings panel will appear, allowing you to configure the heatmap chart.

Base Settings

TitleA title to use for the chart.
DatasetThe dataset containing the fields for the heatmap chart.
Use Filtered DataEnable to use filtered data on the heatmap chart.

X Axis

X AxisField to use for the X Axis.
Sort ByThe method by which to sort data on the X Axis. Sort by alpha (i.e. label values) or simply by ascending/descending values.
Max ColsThe maximum number of columns to display on the X axis.
X Inner PaddingThe amount of padding to apply between columns.

Y Axis

Y AxisField to use for the Y Axis.
Sort ByThe method by which to sort data on the Y Axis. Sort by alpha (i.e. label values) or simply by ascending/descending values.
Max ColsThe maximum number of rows to display on the Y axis.
Y Inner PaddingThe amount of padding to apply between rows.


ValueThe comparative value to use for the correlation matrix.
Format NumberOptional formatting applied to values in the cells.
Show ValuesEnable/Disable to show/hide values in the cells.
Force SquareEnable to force square dimensions onto the correlation matrix.
Show LegendEnable/Disable to show/hide the legend atop the correlation matrix, mapping colors to values.

Color By

Color ByChoose a field to base the color of heatmap cells. Defaults to the same field selected for value.
Color PaletteThe color palette to use for the heatmap cells.

More Options

Border WidthThe number of pixels to apply as a border between cells. Defaults to 0.